Tuesday, January 27, 2009

A "Secret Garden" Revealed

If you and your family happen to find yourselves near Trolley Square in Salt Lake with some time on your hands, you may be interested in an often-overlooked public park that is the only designated "visionary art environment" in the state of Utah.

The Gilgal Sculpture Garden located at 749 E 500 South. was the artistic vision of Thomas Child, a Salt Lake City resident who built the garden beginning in 1945 until his death in 1963.

The garden boasts a dozen sculptures and various other engravings, all created by Child in order to produce a space that could take individuals away from the world and into a place of solace. The area was a labor of love for the man, who used unique technique to create the various art pieces. The garden's interesting sculptures mostly revolve around religious themes and have been a source of mixed opinions since the site was opened to visitors (especially the Sphinx with Joseph Smith's face on it).

Speaking of the images and messages communicated by his work, Child said, "You don't have to agree with me, you may think I am a nut, but I hope I have aroused your thinking and curiosity."

Currently a restoration project is underway to repair some of the sculptures that have suffered damage from exposure and vandals over the years. More information and a photo tour of the garden can be accessed at the sculpture garden's Web site.

The small public park is open daily April-September from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. and October-March 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. weather permitting.

Contributing: Chris Giovarelli & Kari Newman
Photo: Wikipedia Commons


  1. "near trolley square" with "time to kill"???

    You may want to rephrase that given the terrible shooting there a while back.

  2. I'd say that's a good idea. Thanks for your input! Consider it changed!

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